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= Split V1.00 =
= =
= (C) George Taylor 1994 =
What is it?
'Split' is a command line utility which splits files into many peices.
Unlike other split utilities though there is no corresponding join utility,
the resulting split files are 'self-joining' - a bit like self extracting
Copyright and disclaimer
This software is provided in good faith but there is no warranty.
The author cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage resulting from
the use in any way of this software.
This software is FREEWARE. You may give copies to others provided they are
unmodified and this document (with intact copyright notice) is included.
The self-joining code created with split file is PUBLIC DOMAIN, it therefore
does not effect any software licence which comes with software which you
split using 'Split. You do not need to supply any copyright notice or
this document with the self-joining code.
How to split files
Split <options>
where options are:
-f <filename> Specify input file. This option must be present.
-n <name> Name of output file which is to be created when
split pieces are joined together. This must not contain
any path or directory components and is truncated
to 19 characters. If this option is not present then
the leaf name of <filename> is used.
-o <output path> Output files to a particular path, otherwise
the current directory is used. (Use dir. or path:
for example).
-s <split size> Size in K to split. The default is 128K.
For example:
split -f inputfile -n BigFile -o mydir. -s 50
This will create files !BigFile, 01BigFile, 02BigFile etc. If the files already
exist they are overwritten.
The files xxBigFile can be recognised by the presence of GSTSPLIT in the
first 8 bytes.
The number is placed before the file name to ensure that there are no problems
with long names being truncated.
Note the resulting binary !BigFile is incapable of joining any files
other than the ones generated at the same time !BigFile was generated.
The !BigFile is public domain and you can give it away with your data files.
How to join files
1 Ensure all the split files are in the same directory. It does not
matter what the files are called or if there are other files in the
same directory (including other split files). The filetypes don't
matter either.
2 Double-click on the !BigFile file. All the parts of the original file
will be joined together.
3 An error will be given if any parts can not be found or if the
output file alreay exists. Note that files which do not have
read access are skipped.
4 Assuming all was successful the original date-stamp and
file type of BigFile are restored.
5 Finally assuming no errors the extracting program and data
files are all deleted (if they are not locked).
The joining program will start itself up in a taskwindow and multi-task
if it can. No window is opened on screen though.
The joining process uses very little memory and will work within a
64K wimpslot (most of this space is used for file buffering).
CRC checks are calculated as follows:
(a) calculate CRC of input file
(b) rewind input file
(c) split input file
(d) calculate CRC of join program
(a) calculate CRC of join program
(b) join files together
(c) rewind output file
(d) calculate CRC of output file
(e) report warning if either CRC is incorrect
This way errors in (i) the source disk, (ii) the transfer of files (eg ftp),
(iii) splitting, (iv) joining (v), writing final file will be discovered.
SWI OS_CRC is used to create CRC values.
Split and the joining system have only been tested on RISC-OS 3.10. Later
versions of RISC-OS will be fine, earlier versions I have not tested.
The Shared C Library is required by both split and the joining system.